The website of the Friends of Bath Jewish Burial Ground

1 Greendown Place
Combe Down
Bath BA2 5DD
United Kingdom

Find us

The cemetery is open several times a year when we hold Open Days (which are announced here and on our facebook page.)

By car

The postcode BS2 5DD will get you there on GPS, or if you are using an old-fashioned map, look for Bradford Rd (which is officially the A3062 and confusingly looks like it's North Road on Google maps). 

The cemetery is at the junction with Greendown Place, immediately adjacent to a roundabout. Free parking is easily available on the main road near to the pub - please don't park in Greendown Place as it is very narrow for residents' cars.

By public transport

In Bath city centre it's easy to locate the main railway station. Just outside the front entrance is a bus stop and the number 2 is one of the services stopping there.

Board there and ask for a ticket to Combe Down (saving a bit if you buy a return). The frequency is three an hour during the daytime, a bit less on Sundays.

The bus mounts a long wooded hill, and emerges at the top into Combe Down village.

Stay on the bus as it winds its way through the village, and stay on until the terminus ('the Hub'), then walk back along the tree lined avenue until you reach a roundabout, and the cemetery is behind the long stone wall ahead of you on the other side of the road, opposite the pub.

Visiting Bath?

If you are seeing the sights of our historic city you are likely at some point to be going to the Prior Park Gardens, a National Trust landscaped garden that was designed to show off the stately home of Ralph Allen, who owned the stone quarries from which Bath stone was extracted to build the city.

It's easy to combine a visit to the Jewish cemetery with a trip to Prior Park if you are here on one of our Open Days. Follow the instructions for public transport and you will find that Prior Park is about half-way up the hill on the number 2 bus. It's probably better to come up to Combe Down first and then visit Prior Park garden on the way back.

Coffees, food and of course drinks are available at the congenial Forester and Flower pub that is just next to the cemetery (but check opening hours in advance).